What are the oldest programming languages?


Have you ever asked yourself about the computer or how modern inventions work? There are specific languages known as programming languages that communicate with these devices. There are many popular languages like Python, C++,JavaScript,C,.Net, and C#. This article discusses the origins of coding languages and the evolution that programming languages have undergone overtime.

Programmers communicate with the computer using commands and special languages that are comprised of a package of commands that are entered into the computer. The encryption and analysis process are passed through several stages to take the words the programmer enters and break them down to the computer’s natural language. Programming languages are divided into two groups:

  • High-level languages that are easily understood.
  • Low-level languages, or machine languages, which are difficult to understand.

The commands and instructions that humans write to create or edit programs are different from one language to another, and are defined by the language's characteristics. There are common features between some coding languages, but each language is different from the others and all of them are designed based on the development of the hardware they are used with.

The first contemporary computer forced software engineers to use Assembly, which is a low-level language that is difficult for humans to work with. It requires a lot of effort and is prone to errors. To address this challenge, the first high-level coding language, Plankalkül, was designed to deliver instructions to the computer. Elegantly complex and professional, Plankalkül was designed for engineering purposes. It did not achieve the expected success, as a world war soon after its inception prevented its spread.

American John McClay designed a language based on short code statements. It became one of the most important coding languages in the world and has achieved success and spread very quickly. It has developed over time and become what is now known as Mark 1 Autocode. From there, it was developed and modified further to adapt to different circumstances. The language was then renamed to EDSAC 2 Autocode. Finally, Atlas Autocode appeared to enable communication with Atlas computers.

The most popular language following Plankalkül was Fortran, which was John Backus's brainchild. Fortran revolutionized the programming world, making it easy for scientists and engineers to express the solutions to problems that were programmed into a computer based on the algebraic formulas in which programs are written.

The technology sector is booming in both the electronic and software fields. Whether you are an engineer already or a non-engineer who wishes to break into the technology field, you must have the appropriate coding skills to succeed. RoboGarden is the best platform to help you learn Python and JavaScript, two of the most widespread programming languages today.

Programming history



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