Prepare your kids for the future

In this fast-paced world, alone time with our children at home is limited. Before you know it, the day will come for them to move out of the house. How can you prepare your children for what will they face once they’re in the world on their own? The simplest solution is RoboGarden, an easy to understand, hands-on educational app that can prepare your kids for the future while they are playing.

Parents and educators have realized the importance of getting kids interested in STEAM topics early, so RoboGarden has taken great steps to ensure that its platform supports STEAM education. Each journey and other children’s learning program is evaluated to ensure that STEAM education is integrated at every opportunity. For example, we can see the integration of math as Robo guides students through addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems in the What If Robo Goes to the Moon journey. Providing students with science facts such as planets’ names, information about telescopes, and more is another STEAM integration. These tidbits and many others are found in the Let's Go to the Moon Back and Forth journey.

Planning for the future for your kids begs the question of how to be more general in your approach. You must start to introduce your children to different skills, and RoboGarden can help.

Through RoboGarden your child will be introduced to skills like:
• Critical Thinking: As you progress through RoboGarden missions, you will find that they increase in difficulty. This is accomplished by adding constraints to the problem. For example, you may need to travel through a certain pass or use a limited number of moves to complete a mission. A correct solution isn’t just about reaching the target, but about reaching the target via the defined path or within environmental constraints.
• Problem Solving: Every mission in each adventure on RoboGarden’s platform begins with a description that contains the problem that we want to solve. The student begins by modelling a solution. If their solution isn’t correct the first time, the student can always use the hints to guide them towards an alternative solution to the problem.

Overall, your kids need to improve in the areas of creativity, innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. Start them off on the right track now. Try RoboGarden and watch these skills grow in your kids.
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