coding Adventure 7: Strength levels

Master JavaScript

Be familiar with javascript arrays and functions.



This has been amazing! Now help Robo assign hammers for his friends, each one by his strength level.

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Coding Missions

Order in list

We have a list of robo teammates, replace the name on the yellow cell by the order in the friends list.

Find all orders

Please replace all names in yellow cells with their order in Robo teammates list.

Which teammate is the strongest?

Robo has a list of each friend name and his/her strength level, each rock hammer has a certain weight to suit the strength of its carrier. Robo is going to get hammers for each friend to help him in his excavation. Replace the strength level on yellow cell with the friend name.

hammers for all teammates

Now read the list of friends and their strengths levels. Then print the name of the friend that match the stength level on the yellow cell. 

Friend's favorite colors

Robo has a list of each friend name and his/her favorite color. Please color the yellow cell with friend's name with his/her favorite color.

Master JavaScript

Be familiar with javascript arrays and functions.

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