Beginner’s Hour of Code

Believing in the importance of programming and how useful it can be in both your professional and personal has prompted RoboGarden to launch its contribution to the Hour of Code initiative. Coding improves critical thinking skills and creativity. RoboGarden’s new contribution to the Hour of Code initiative supports learning through programming and promotes the idea that everyone can code.

RoboGarden’s Hour of Code task is divided into three levels:
• Beginner
• Intermediate
• Advanced

This article gives an extensive look into the Beginner level of RoboGarden’s Hour of Code. The Beginner level consists of six missions, which gradually increase in difficulty as the student learns new coding blocks. The educational component of the game is delivered in an enjoyable way, complete with creative content and delightful scenarios.

1-First mission
     - The setting is a winter scene with a frozen lake and rocks. Robo, RoboGarden’s hero robot, wants to skate one step forward without colliding with any rocks.
     - This mission teaches the student about the “Move Forward” code block that instructs Robo to move forward one cell.

2-Second mission
     - The student returns to the ice world from the first mission to help Robo collect fish with the help of a new code block.
     - This mission’s goal is to use the “Move Backward” block, which instructs Robo to move backward once cell.

3-Third mission
     - The third mission takes place at a birthday party complete with cupcakes. The student uses math, critical thinking skills, and a new code block to help move around to collect all the cupcakes.
     - This mission introduces the “Loop” code block, which repeats a certain block of commands a specific number of times. You can reduce the lines of code you need by instructing Robo to complete repetitive tasks, like moving forward the same number of spaces, inside a loop block.

4-Fourth mission
     - You will return to the ice world, where you must watch out for dangerous rocks while you help Robo collect fish bait.
     - You can use the new “Rotate” code block to collect fish while avoiding the rocks. This block makes Robo rotate to the right or left at 90-degree angles.

5-Fifth mission
     - Back at the birthday party, you will find donuts everywhere. The student must use math and problem solving skills to help Robo navigate the shortest path that will let him avoid all the unhealthy donuts.
     - While Robo is avoiding the unhealthy donuts, he will paint his path green so others can follow. It may seem difficult, but Robo can use the new “Paint Cell” code block along with the previous code blocks he’s learned to accomplish this.

6.Sixth mission
     - We find ourselves in space for the final mission, specifically in a moon world. Here, the student learns about science and gains some new information about space.
     - The student will use “If” code blocks to check whether a condition is true. If the condition is true, Robo will complete an action. If it’s not, Robo won’t do anything

At the conclusion of the sixth mission, the student has learned all the blocks they need to know to move Robo in any way they want. The student can celebrate their achievement by printing a certificate in their name to prove they passed the Beginner level. Register now to get started!
Code movements Importance of coding education


Hour of code

Everyone has the ability to change his life style and you can take only one hour of code every day to change this boring routine.

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